Misaligned Optics? Try OptiSync® Technology
Shift the multifocal optics from the center of the lens to your patient's visual axis.

What is OptiSync Technology?
OptiSync Technology offsets the multifocal optics from the center of the lens and targets alignment with the patient's visual axis. By coupling this technology with our fully custom, pupil-optimized 54 Multifocal design, you now have the power to give struggling multifocal patients what they've always wanted -- freedom from glasses.

Get Started With OptiSync in 3 Easy Steps

Identify a Misalignment
Utilize your in-office technology and clinical intuition to identify/predict multifocal misalignment issues.

Offset the Optics
Consult with our team to shift the multifocal optics from the center of the lens to be more aligned with the patient's visual axis.

Improve their Experience
Enhance your patient's visual experience by improving acuity and reducing unwanted visual phenomenon such as glare, shadows, 3-D effects, and halos.
Why Does Alignment of the Multifocal Optics Matter?

OptiSync Technology will allow you to...
- Reduce or eliminate unwanted visual phenomena such as shadows, 3-D effects, induced aberrations, and ghosting
- Set yourself apart from other practitioners who limit their offerings to standard multifocal contact lens options
- Experience greater control in the fitting process and create happier patients with improved vision